Thursday, May 20, 2021

Essay on the hunger games book

Essay on the hunger games book

essay on the hunger games book

24/11/ · The hunger Games is a book that highlights significant issues in sociology arena. Social structure is one of the aspects featured in the book. Gender equity is well pronounced when the districts are supposed to produce tributes from both genders (Collins ). Further, all districts take part in the games which shows social cohesion The Hunger Games Essay Comparison Between Hunger Games And Hunger Games. This quote is from the novel Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. It The Hunger Games: Movie Review: The Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor”, is a joke considering that Dystopian Differences In The Hunger 20/5/ · In Susan Collins’s book the “Hunger Games” the character of Katniss Everdeen is considered by many to be an example of gender role reversal. Though Katniss does portrait many traits that may be considered masculine in and of

The Hunger Game Book Report - Words | Bartleby

Though Katniss does portrait many traits that may be considered masculine in and of themselves, she also portrays feminine traits. Her possession of these feminine even instinctually motherly traits steer my opinion to the thought that these traits are more due to her essay on the hunger games book in her family then to that of a girl who is tomboyish in nature. In this paper I will show that the behaviors of Katniss Everdeen are traits of an eldest child of a single parent household by assuming the roles of both mother and father as opposed to simply being characterized examples of gender role reversal.

The book starts out explaining the back story of Katniss, essay on the hunger games book, her father who she was very close with died in a mine explosion five years before the books present day, essay on the hunger games book. Now she is left with a mother how is so overwhelmed with grief that she can barely function and a little sister who needs she to be raised.

While her father was alive their relationship seem to be very similar to that of a father with no sons who tends to teach their daughter all they would teach a son, I know this relationship very well.

While fathers love their daughters they seem to have this primal need for a son, an heir. Similar to other eldest female children when their fathers unexpectedly die, she had to step up and help her mother with the family, and in her case as is in some cases she has to be the parent. Then she goes into talking about preparing the food, she has killed.

Using the hunting skills her father had taught her, although hunting is considered a masculine activity, she hunts to feed her family to supplement their food stores due to shortages. During the games there is a point where Katniss thinks that one of the kills she heard could have been Rue, you can hear the concern in her thoughts.

In a game of survival where everyone is your enemy, Katniss bonds with Rue and tries to protect this little girl. They snuggle together for warmth at night and teach each other to survive by day. Then she defies the rules and morns the death of Rue having a makeshift funeral for her and a song from Rues district.

This was definitely a turning point for Katniss, she once again in her life had to block out emotion and focus on survival. At this point it was no longer a game of evasion for her it turn to a kill or be kill. Never the less, she maintained her compassion. Which was evident with Peeta, even though she was not sure of his truest intention when he was injured and being hunted she cared for him and protected him. She tended to his wound, feed him, and defended him from the careers that were out to kill him risking her own life.

Her actions are like that of an eldest child caring for younger or helpless needy siblings, I essay on the hunger games book personally I treat everyone in need of help as if they were one of my younger siblings. These are not traits of gender reversal these are traits of a protector a provider a parent.

When our children wrong us we forgive and still focus on their protection and safety. When our children are in danger we find amazing strengths we never knew we possessed to protect them. When they hunger we find a way to feed them. Most importantly we survive the harshest of times, overcome the greatest of obstacles and sacrifice ourselves to return to those who need us most.

Katniss is no different all she did she did to return to her family to ensure their survival. Without the parental traits she possesses the outcome of the Hunger Games may have been very different. Literary analysis of hunger Games Book 1. Accessed May 19, Literary analysis of hunger Games Book 1 Categories: Hunger Games.

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The Hunger Games - Thug Notes Summary \u0026 Analysis

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The Hunger Games - Words | Essay Example

essay on the hunger games book

26/8/ · August 26, by Essay Writer In the novel The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins a new country is created. Panem is born in place of North America, were the Hunger Games began. In the Hunger Games, there are 24 blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins 11/12/ · The title of this book is The Hunger Games and was made by Suzanne Collins in This book is set in a fictional version of America. In the nation of Panem at a date of which is not specified. With characters all along the story that are very interesting with the main ones caring about others and not being selfish 16/11/ · Thematic Essay The Hunger Games, an insightful novel by Suzanne Collins, is based on morals and justice. This novel is about Katniss Everdeen, a 16 year old girl and tribute for The Hunger Games, who is obligated to fight to the death with twenty-three others

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