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Essay on environmental education

Essay on environmental education

essay on environmental education

Importance Of Environmental Education Essay Words | 6 Pages The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) states that environmental education is vital in imparting an inherent respect for nature amongst society and in enhancing public environmental awareness May 01,  · Environmental education cannot be viewed as an area of study. It is a lifelong process that is infused in various other fields of study. Environmental education should be seen through a multidisciplinary perspective. It can be thought of having three linked components: Education about the environment: This deals with the enhancement of knowledge The contemporary environmental education movement began in the s and s–an era of history characterized by growing concern over the state of the natural world and also increasing interest in ecosystem and species preservation from the international scientific community

EE: Essay on Environmental Education ( Words)

Studies indicate that it is necessary to apply perspectives from various disciplines in order to solve environmental problems. Since all human beings depend on the environment for sustenance, then it makes sense to equip them with the skills needed to make the environment sustainable. A sustainable society is one in which people can satisfy their present needs without impeding the ability of future generations to essay on environmental education the same.

Humanity can achieve this objective by using renewable resources and stabilising the world population. Man can also use energy efficiently so as to leave the biosphere unharmed. The use of technology in environmental management is also a tenable solution. Besides these, stakeholders ought to know how to conserve the biological diversity of their environment.

Sustainability encompasses all the political, economic and social pressures that can either hinder or help individuals to care for their environment. This phenomenon attempts to promote stewardship as well as custodial responsibilities over the environment.

Environmental education for sustainability refers to a form of education where members of society take up responsibility for producing a sustainable future. This is an interdisciplinary effort in which people develop an environmental ethic. It also recognises the importance of incorporating different needs in society. It should be noted that this is a holistic view of the environment, essay on environmental education. Stakeholders realised a while back that when striving for sustainability, it is not sufficient to focus on the natural environment alone.

People must inculcate political, social and economic issues in matters of the environment that will ensure a holistic approach.

Ideas about interdisciplinary education for a sustainable future started as far back as Attendants of a United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm asserted that education could foster a sustainable future.

These individuals signed a declaration that called for environmental education from lower school levels to adulthood UNESCO Five years later, stakeholders signed an international declaration at Tbilisi. They committed themselves to promotion of teaching, training and research on the environment. Vocational and technical education would also be part of this effort UNESCO In the s, a Rio Summit for environmental development led to the expansion of what environmental education means.

Attendants felt that environmental education for sustainability should encompass environmental equity, international development and cultural diversity. Many stakeholders associate the Rio Earth Summit with Agenda In the conference, attendants decided that education has the potential to unite decision making capabilities in order to foster ecological development, essay on environmental education.

By essay on environmental education together information from governments, businesses, institutions, companies as well as individuals, essay on environmental education, Agenda 21 would ensure that social, economic and security decisions encompass environmental issues.

Therefore, education for sustainable development involves teaching people about the economic, social and ecological issues affecting them through interdisciplinary structures. In the agenda, stakeholders suggested a number of strategies that countries could use to achieve sustainable development.

First, countries ought to broaden the scope of education that they teach in order to bring about sustainable development. Governments have the mandate to unite developmental and environmental goals at all levels of education, including primary, essay on environmental education, secondary and tertiary.

Countries need to foster partnerships amongst independent business persons or members of the private sector so as to foster cross-disciplinary work. It is only through strong networks that governments can create a common approach to matters of ecological sustainability. A number of years after the Rio Summit, some international organisations felt that higher education offers a unique platform for essay on environmental education environmental education; one such organisation is UNESCO, essay on environmental education.

During the World Conference on Higher Education held innations declared that education would be the fundamental pillar for sustainable development. Participants of higher education have the moral duty to ensure that sustainable development occurs Michelsen Australia has also made a serious commitment to the goal of environmental education over the past decades. Inthe Education Minister, through the Adelaide Declaration, stated that students should have a concern for and an understanding of the natural environment when they leave school.

He also stated that this knowledge would foster sustainable development. The Adelaide Declaration also stated that schooling should teach children skills essay on environmental education how to solve and analyse environmental problems Department of Education, Science and Training Further, education should sensitise students about social justice, ethics and morality in their world.

This information should enable them to make rational decisions about their lives and their actions. The development of technology has accelerated consumption rates and altered the availability of these resources in the future. Therefore, societies around the world should gain knowledge about how to keep the environment in a healthy state so as to meet their present and future needs.

The human species has degraded waterways and land wherever it inhabits it. Furthermore, population growth leads to several environmental issues that stem from high water, energy and land use University Leaders for a Sustainable Future Man has polluted many natural water sources, essay on environmental education, including coastal waters, rivers and lakes.

He has also dilapidated energy resources and harmed the biodiversity of a number of areas. Human beings ruin habitats and ecosystems by clearing land, fragmenting habitats and introducing invasive species into various locations. As a consequence, these environmentally irresponsible activities have contributed to a marked increase in greenhouse gases. Pressures of global warming are a reality for several nations around the earth.

As a matter of fact, studies indicate that the biggest problem is in developed nations. On average, the world consumer had an ecological footprint of about 2. Therefore, he must look for ways of minimising these ecological effects.

Failure to do so will lead to the incapacity of future generations to meet their needs, essay on environmental education. One of the ways in which man can reduce his effect on the earth is through an awareness of his actions. This can be facilitated through environmental education. However, such a viewpoint essay on environmental education only incorporate the needs of one species.

Other species also exist on the earth and man must ensure that the natural environment is capable of meeting the needs of other species. Therefore, essay on environmental education, humans must act as caretakers on behalf of other organisms that cannot do what he can Tilbury If environmental education is taken seriously by the various stakeholders in the curriculum, it is likely that it will teach students to understand the relationship and the interdependence of ecological, cultural, social and economic issues in local as well as global levels.

They will know about the impact of their actions on the planet and how this affects various stakeholders, essay on environmental education. Environmental essay on environmental education would essay on environmental education cause recipients essay on environmental education think about how the interrelationship of all levels affects families or communities so that they can make the right decisions, essay on environmental education.

Environmental education would lead to the development of skills and attitudes that are crucial to a sustainable future United Nations For instance, people would know how to record information about the environment.

Furthermore, it would be possible to assess and identify environmental issues. When conflicts about the environment arise, it would be possible to solve them if people were educated about it. These individuals would also know the value of the environment as something sacred.

They would conserve their cultural heritage because of their full understanding of it. Environmental education would cause people to develop an ethic of stewardship towards the environment. Individuals can also learn about how to participate fully in the creation of a sustainable future.

This means caring for all life in order to preserve biodiversity. Resources would be managed and conserved appropriately for current and future generations.

Academic institutions are uniquely endowed with the ability to teach environmental education because they have the resources and responsibility of furthering education among members of society. Therefore, the general requirements of their institutions can reflect sustainability issues Buckley In certain ways, they can include topics about sustainability in their subjects or courses. The curriculum can teach students about sustainable consumption and production, essay on environmental education.

Members of academic institutions can also learn about globalisation and its relation to sustainable development. Individuals should also acquire knowledge about social justice and how this relates to urban ecology. Additionally, because population growth affects the use of essay on environmental education resources, then members of learning institutions should know about populations and their relation to essay on environmental education. Students should also understand how ecosystems within their institutions work.

For instance, they ought to know where their institutions get food and water. They should be aware of the energy needs of their school as well as sites for waste disposal. This would teach them to be aware of their own ecological footprint or how they can contribute to the well being of their environment.

If the learning institution specialises in tertiary education, essay on environmental education, then it can urge students to carry out research on sustainability topics such as environmental justice, renewable energy and sustainability in building design. Institutions can also cultivate a sense of environmental ownership among staff members by reorienting rewards to reflect environmental issues.

Members would see examples of how to purchase, paper, food and other supplies sustainability Fie Lastly, essay on environmental education, an academic institution can foster ecological sustainability through education by creating administrative posts that capture this objective. For instance, the organisation could have an Environmental Director or Task force for sustainability.

Schools have the prerogative to take a holistic approach to environmental education. They can do so by changing the way they organise and operate. They can also alter the design of the school, especially with regard to its structures. A holistic approach also encompasses how the school manages and develops its grounds. Alternation of the curriculum to include sustainability issues should also be taken into account.

Additionally, issues revolving around the protection of heritage sites within school premises must also be considered Brown When teaching students about environmental sustainability, schools need to adhere to certain principles. They need to clearly outline the issues they are teaching. It should also be flexible in a manner that incorporates developments in the rest of the world, essay on environmental education.

A good system ought to have an evaluation system and should progress from basic levels to complex ones Orr The government of Australia takes environmental education seriously as outlined earlier in the history section.

Why is environmental education valuable to the educational experience?

, time: 2:07

Environmental Education - Words | Essay Example

essay on environmental education

Jan 01,  · The two main disciplines of environmental education are that of outdoor education and that of experiential education. Outdoor education refers to learning in, for and about the outdoors. “It is a means of curriculum extension and enrichment through outdoor experiences” (Hammerman, , p. 33) Nov 14,  · Environmental education for sustainability refers to a form of education where members of society take up responsibility for producing a sustainable future. This is an interdisciplinary effort in which people develop an environmental ethic. It also recognises the importance of incorporating different needs in society Environmental Education Essay. Words9 Pages. Environmental Education. When forming a curriculum, teachers need to determine three types of objectives- fact, skill, and appreciation for something. The “appreciation for” objective is the one that an environmental class stresses. Environmental courses emphasize the importance of conserving the Earth by creating

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